
Back in 1998 I had the good fortune to publish my first book of nonfiction: a memoir entitled “Planet of the Blind”.   I’ve since been very fortunate to hear from hundreds of people from all over the world.  Please join our community and share your thoughts.  It’s just not the same without you.  Warm regards to you all…


2 thoughts on “Blog”

  1. Just saw your marvelous poem in poem-a-day, raven in stroller, Helsinki, etc. It was unpretentious, had a rhythm I liked, images that I “got,” then got again. Thanks.


  2. Okay, I just started reading the book; am on chapter 8. Do I like it? Well, “like” isn’t exactly the right word; I guess I’m cautiously enthralled. All my life, I’ve feared blindness the most. I was myopic until just a few years ago. I had cataracts removed and at the same time, the myopia was corrected, so I no longer wear thick glasses. Now I seem to have the beginning of macular (I can’t spell it and neither can Spellcheck) degeneration. I write “seem” because I’m afraid to question the ophthalmologist too closely–if I have it, I don’t want to know. (I can almost hear you: “Christ, when is this lady going to get to the point?”) The point is, I feel a kinship with you and I fervently hope you’re happy and fulfilled. I’m going to make a point of reading your poetry, too; my favorites are WB Yeats, W. Blake, and Emily Dickinson. Hmm…I was going to tell you something about myself, but then I’m afraid you’d make assumptions. Or maybe not.


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